Hey Bay Area people. I’m curating a show with Jeff Hantman that features former Artists in Residence from the San Francisco Dump. I’ll have some of my new tiny pieces to share and I’ll have my studio open, as will several of the other awesome people in our compound.
Facebook event here.
See below for full details, tell a friend!

On October 25th, Oakland-based Lost & Foundry Studios and Gallery will present Re:New, an exhibit featuring work created by a selection of artists after they completed their residencies at Recology’s Artist in Residence program.
For nearly 25 years Recology’s Artist in Residence program at the San Francisco Dump has been providing artists with the facilities and support necessary to make art from the city’s waste stream. Over 100 artists have passed through the program making their own personal statements about art, waste, and reuse. Through the years Recology has amassed an impressive collection of these works, and has worked hard to exhibit them throughout the city at a variety of venues.
Lost & Foundry co-directors Nemo Gould and Jeff Hantman are both alums of Recology, and have felt the impact this program has had on their work. This exhibit will pool together several diverse artists who have been similarly impacted by their experience, and demonstrate Recology’s role in shaping art in the Bay Area.
The Re:New exhibit will open Saturday, October 25, 2014 from 5-8 PM at Lost & Foundry Studios and Gallery, located at 305 Center Street, Oakland CA (only half a block from West Oakland BART.)
Featured artists (year in residence):
–Ellen Babcock (2007)
–Micah Gibson (2007)
–Nemo Gould (2007)
–Barbara Holmes (2008)
–Ferris Plock (2011)
–Lauren DiCioccio (2011)
–Jeff Hantman (2012)
–Benjamin Cowden (2013)
–Yulia Pinkusevich (2013)
–Hannah Quinn (2013)
Lost & Foundry Studios and Gallery is a collective art space in West Oakland. Twelve artists and craftspeople currently work in the three building compound. In addition to the exhibit in the gallery, many of the workspaces of the tenants will be open for viewing during the event.