04 Jan Material
Wow, huge thanks to my awesome, top secret, anonymous sources for this incredible haul of unobtanium!
Wow, huge thanks to my awesome, top secret, anonymous sources for this incredible haul of unobtanium!
The mornings haul. I’m feeling fortunate to have had yet another visit from the broken violin fairy. The Zither is pretty cool too.
Motorcycle disc brake assembly + electric drill handle = geriatric robot.
This is a “tree” made from an industrial dough mixing blade and several motorcycle parts. The little tabs with holes are for mounting a little creature which will “climb” the tree.
This welding clamp is one of the most useful things I’ve ever made. It’s like a shop assistant that I don’t have to pay!
Oh boy! Just got a box full of horrible taxidermy eyes in the mail! Think of all the nightmares I can make with these.
Motorcycle disc brake caliper assembly on its way to becoming a monkey-monster-thing.
Finally finished replacing the motor bearings and belts in my lathe. What a job, it was like cracking a Swiss safe! Big thanks to the human Wendell, and to a lesser extent the cat Ingot. I couldn’t have done it without you guys.
“Above it All” and “Conganaut” leaving the nest. Sometimes the crating of a piece is nearly as challenging as making it in the first place.
I’ve been working on a simple little machine to cause an eyeball to track back and forth. So far so good. LED light effects coming up next.
This mechanism causes the head of my new “octo-thing” to rock back and forth. A good amount of energy went into the mattress spring suspension joints for each tentacle. At this stage though the machine is too smooth to make use of the springs. I may have to re-work things to get better results.
This is a combined haul from the flea market, scrap yard, etc. I’m on a junk binge.
About 100 cabinet knobs and 2 rocking chairs generously gave their lives to the cause of making tentacles for my new piece. It’s been a tedious process that I hope to wrap up today.
Making some progress on my latest octo-thingy. Had to cut down the height of each radio cabinet about 20% to get the proportions right. I think it looks much better now.
Here is a quick video of a new machine I’m working on. This one uses a timing belt and wheel from a BMW as a rack and pinion gear set up. The idea is to attach a figures feet to the two reciprocating bars to produce a “walking” motion. It is my intent to build the system robust enough so that no additional support for the figure is needed. This is a goal that has eluded me in the past, so fingers crossed….
Shown here is a little machine that produces a dizzying visual effect as part of a larger kaleidoscope project I’m working on. The sheets of striped plastic were salvaged from an older rear projection style television.
Video to follow in the next post.
I recently started working on a kaleidoscope sculpture. The idea is to hide the whole mechanism inside the old projector case in the background of this photo. A small hole in its side will provide a view of…. I don’t actually know what yet but it’s bound to be pretty surreal.
The first Sunday of every month is the Alameda Flea Market. It is vast, impossible to see one side from the other. It has taken me several visits there to learn to pace myself, and not grab everything in sight. The real challenge is hiking the mile back to the car with your loot. This time I showed restraint and only picked up one old wooden radio. The final image in this sequence shows an early concept of what I may do with it, though it is really too soon to tell.
Here is the arrangement of the creature and the submarine. I used lamp hardware to mount the pair to a piece of lava rock. It doesn’t show well in this photo but the vacuum tube glows dull orange.
My latest “found object” – 1981 Yamaha SR185 motorcycle. I’ve wanted to learn how to shape sheet metal from scratch for years now. I’ll be using this little bike as my excuse to finally get on it. Note my early attempt at a front fender. Gas tank etc. coming up next.
Here is the antagonist in my new “Squid vs. Submarine” diorama sculpture. The vacuum tube will glow orange, and the LED eyes will glow red.
Apparently I haven’t yet had enough of the old “submarine vs. squid” theme in my work. Here are the beginning stages of the latest one. The propellor turns, and the portal window is back lit. I still plan to add some surface details (like rivets or something), and perhaps a periscope. Stay tuned for the squid!
Many thanks to all who came out to my studio show this weekend! It was great to catch up with those of you I knew, and to meet those I didn’t.
Here are a few photos of what my showroom looked like before people started arriving. I regret that I did not take photos throughout the day. If any one has any more images to share, I’d love to see them.
Show at my studio today! Come by if you’re near Berkeley CA. Details here:
Getting ready for my studio show tomorrow. If there was any doubt to my sincerity, check out how clean my work table is!
I just finally got around to upgrading the drive mechanism in my mechanical deer sculpture. It needed a more robust chain and sprocket system. All better now.
Hello friends, I have just finished up a few new pieces and would like to invite you to come view them (and many others) at an impromptu show at my humble studio in Berkeley CA, Saturday, February 26th from 1-5 pm. It’s not often that I can assemble this many pieces (over two dozen!) in one place at one time so I thought I would jump at this opportunity to share my work, process and facilities with whomever among you are interested.
You can find directions to my studio here: http://www.nemomatic.com/nemomatic/directions.html
Facebook event here:
Getting the big fella ready to meet the world.
Old radio + piano hammers + gears + machined aluminum = ?……..
It took some fumbling but I finally came up with a good way to make use of the arm movements on my little baby-robot. A diorama is in the works that will have the beast grazing in a sort of tropical environment.