

Be sure to join us for our next exhibit and open house at Lost & Foundry (305 Center Street, Oakland CA, half a block from West Oakland BART) on the evening of Saturday, February 28 from 4 – 8 PM.  The gallery will have new works by some of our resident artists:


Ben Carpenter

Nemo Gould

Jeff Hantman

Sean Orlando

Christopher Palmer

Alan Rorie

Daniel Yasmin


In addition to the amazing art that we’ll have on display, we are also organizing a “Resource Allocation” Junk Sale and Stuff Giveaway… because… well… we’ve just got too much stuff…
We’ve got random cool objects sitting around our studios that we’re just not sure what to do with… but maybe you do?
Tools, brick-n-brack, found objects, unwanted film flam!
We’re purging our studios so come check out what we’ve got and take some of it home with you.
Cash only please…


Finally finished all the different components of the head! The eye socket was an ash tray. It took considerable effort to make the tiny machine to activate the little open and close lever on the back. Overall I'm really pleased with how things are taking shape, but I'll have to get used to how noisy it is. I guess that's what you get with three different motors with exposed gears.

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The problem with working with found materials is getting them to place nice with each other reliably. I really liked the neck action in this piece but had to face the fact that it would not last over time. Here is version 2.0. New motor mounted on the opposite end of the gears (they're salvaged from an angle grinder). Much more sturdy and serviceable.

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Here's how it all works together. Bear in mind that the gears and shoulders will be mounted inside the wooden radio cabinet. The next trick is figure out exactly where to cut the holes to make it all fit.

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Finally got this mechanism to the point where I can assemble and test it. Fingers crossed...

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I'm not proud of this photo, but sometimes these things happen and I feel it's important to be honest.

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Little hand machined brass slide levers for the shoulder mechanism in my new piece.

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What's wrong with this picture? About a dozen things. I love misusing machines and materials equally.

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There comes a point in the studio when the tools and materials get so tangled that I can't tell them apart. Then I have to drop everything and clean up. I'm not quite there today, but getting close.

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Whew! Took the plunge on the mouth cut, and really like how it turned out. I formed a bit of a flange around the cut to put a little rigidity back into the cone. Can't wait to see it with teeth! Unfortunately I have to turn my back on the project for a while to get ready for a show at the end of the month.

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It took a while to commit to the placement of the eyes, and longer still to make the curved mounting flanges. Now I've got to tackle the mouth. It's kind of a heavy moment. There's no second chance if I decide I don't like where I made the cut.

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It's official: our next open house and exhibit at Lost & Foundry studios is February 28! I'm working overtime to have this sassy cyclops ready in time. More details to follow.

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Pretty good day at the flea market. #eyes

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Success! It still needs a good cleaning, but the electrical demons have been purged! I really dig how the brass speed dial automatically adjusts.

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Getting a little tech support from my shop assistant. Together we'll get thing to work.

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This is a detail shot of the interior of one of my dioramas that were commissioned by the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It depicts the Cuttlefish coping with habit loss. I also did a Nautilus and Octopus piece. You can see them all in action here:

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They work! I made a pair of these machines to be the eyes in my giant shark/submarine/spaceship sculpture. It's tempting to feel accomplished right now, until I remember that that they are only the eyes. I still have to build, oh, everything else. It's a good start anyway!

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Here's a closer look at the guts. Minotaur 2011 (Dimensions: 97

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