27 Sep Got most of the insect figure worked out. It has a flicker bulb…
Got most of the insect figure worked out. It has a flicker bulb for it’s abdomen and I’m still playing around with some crank shaft mechanisms to move the legs.
Got most of the insect figure worked out. It has a flicker bulb for it’s abdomen and I’m still playing around with some crank shaft mechanisms to move the legs.
Working on using a violin scroll for the head on the new piece.
Buggin out today. Furniture scraps and piano parts.
Here’s a look under the hood. Gotta love old cell phone chargers.
Fine tuning ‘ol sour puss today. I hope to have it finished soon ( hope to have a better title too).
Here is another video of the piece I’ve been working on. I’ve added an eyeball to the mix. Enjoy.
Here is a quick video test of an ear-wagging mechanism for my latest piece.